Monday, December 29, 2008

Ahhhh.. Christmas come and gone..

Well it seems we all made it.. The major holiday of the year is over - thankfully everyone is happy and it's paid for!

My little grandson, all of 4 years old, basically only asked for 2 things - a Hess truck and garbage truck. I got up at 2:30 Christmas morning and put the Hess truck out so he would see on top of all his wrapped gifts when he got up. Went back to bed and got up again at 7am and played some card games, did a little email and waited for the little guy to get up. I had already decided that I didn't care how late everyone stayed up the night before... when Logan got up, EVERYONE was going to get up!

About 7:45ish - I hear him.. and then hear.. "GRAMMY, I GOT A HESS TRUCK"!!! He didn't even notice the other gifts - just that he had a Hess truck :) I was happy.. He jumped up on my lap and was sooooooooooo happy!! I sat with him in the living room and got the batteries in and showed him all the buttons and lights (and he showed me the ones that I missed) and he was happy with that! I finally got him to get everyone else woken up and we proceeded with gift opening - making Logan "Santa" (he liked that :).

He wanted to be sure everyone had a present and another and another - didn't care about himself - he was having fun passing gifts out.. hell, he had his Hess truck! Finally, his auntie told him to open this particular package.. It was his garbage/recyling truck... To see this childs face was .. I can't explain it in words.. He got what he wanted, the garbage truck and and Hess truck. He was the happiest boy on the face of the plant :) (and I was the happiest grammie in the world!) .. He had many more gifts, but he got what he wanted and that's all that mattered to this little guy. I believe that we could have taken everything else, with his permission, and given it away and he would have handed it out himself :) He's a good boy :) Love him sooooooooo much!

My kids had a good Christmas also (I hope)! Got them what they wanted (no real surprises unfortunately) and also got them "Rock Band" ... the girls played for some time using the drums and guitar and also the microphone... They seemed to be having a blast!!! I took a couple pics and they were "intense" ... trying to learn the drums - I guess that's the hard part (as they both know the guitar from quitar hero).

So basically it was all about family.. friends... good conversation and good food! We had a great Christmas this year, and I know, the the little one contributed to this.. not sure how I would be without him around anymore!

Oh, both my girls seem to have finally hooked up with nice men!!! I'm hoping!!!! It's time for both of them! I'm ready for a couple weddings - been waiting actually!! :) (wish them luck!)


Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I'll be back!

Alvis said...

That all sounds wonderful. We had a similar reaction when Allen opened his Nintendo DS.

What is a Hess truck?

ICE said...

Hess is a chain of gas stations - obviously not in your area.. they have a different truck every year and it caught the little one's eye..

ICE said...

Glad you stopped by lady!!! Good to see you :)