Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gates open.. down the stretch to Christmas..

Christmas is coming sooooooooooooo fast!!! I'm trying to slow it down, but it won't stop. I took yesterday off (Friday the..hmmm.. 19th???) to spend the day by myself and wrap gifts, but the the ice storm and the snowstorm (double whammy) didn't leave me alone, so didn't get any wrapping done. I was happy to finish my shopping before Thanksgiving and always hope to get things "wrapped up" right after T-day.... but it's not working out. Oh well, I'll just put the boxes that the gifts came in under the tree and they can figure out who's is who's... heheheh

So, yes... we had a GOOD snowstorm that started yesterday afternoon and, well, it's still spitting snow out there. We got a foot of snow (EASY).. Easily more. It's nice and lite however. Another storm in the forecast for Sunday... I hope this isn't a picture of what's to come for the whole winter (storm after storm after storm).

My lease is up on my SUV February 1st and I'm having hard time deciding what to lease next. The Monte Carlo SS is gone and they aren't making it anymore... (bastards - I love that SS).. So I'm looking at the Dodge Charger (8 cyl) ... the State Police are using those up here now.... or the Chevy Avalanche.. I feel like we're going to have a real tough winter and I'm sooooo torn!!!!! Both nice vehicles... both fun vehicles... (both would have to be black to match my license plate... BLKICE )... what to do what to do!???

But tonight I'm just going to relax.. play some games, drink some drinks, have some fun... 2 day work week next week --- NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be a happy camper! :)

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