Sunday, February 8, 2009

Deep breath!

Well I had the weekend off. Daughter and grandson went to Maine for the weekend and my oldest was working and at her boyfriends... I truly did need this break!! Me and the old man cleaned the house and that left me to do what I wanted and him to relax and take control back of his TV and recliner! hahah

I played HL2DM and Left 4 Dead with my friends - we ordered dinner out last night - I slept late yesterday morning (10am!! that's soooo late for me!) and 8am this morning (still very late for me!) - but obviously, I am tired and my body/brain took advantage of the silence..

I most certainly know that I am not "cured" of my problem here, but I certainly feel better today after the sleep and doing what I want and the QUIET!! Happy to see my house in ship-shape status but I know when they all come home tonite that will be gone.. I need to stop thinking ahead and just enjoy the time I have left this weekend... Me and the old man are going to cook some steaks on the grill for dinner (it's 50 degrees here today!!) and then go and hide before the crew gets home..
Another deep breath... exhale ... better.. (for now)


Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Why am I not smart enough to know you have a blog? I guess I forgot when I didn't add it to my side bar, will try to get to it this week...

Hang in there girl and remember who's home it is...your girls are big enough to keep it tidy with you, expect it of them - like you would any company.

Even I make my bed and put my stuff away when I'm staying at someone else's house.

Remind them it IS someone else's house....

I know, it won't help. They are too used to it being their home, too. But maybe it would get them thinking about the fact that you need the help keeping it up...

Alvis said...

I wish I had some useful words of wisdom, but I don't. I'm glad you got the small break.

Tina Marie said...

Boundaries...Set them! Enforce them!!

I miss seeing you!!